We have been getting quite a bit of attention recently as our products continue to expand. Some of the feedback has been incredible as people share some of their life experiences and the changes that they have noticed since being introduced to our products and the information and values that we use and share.
My son Gabriel has been an essential part of this growth, as he has taken the burden of the work and expanded our sales platform through his self-learned computer experience.
Gabe began his computer training by taking over game servers when he was 4 years old, taking out special forces teams and soldiers who were on downtime after the US invaded Afghanistan in 2001. He was playing against different teams, using Black Hawk Down as his primary platform. He began programming wire-frame game platforms when he was 5, and hosting games until the online demo was removed in 2007 or 2008.
We essentially tested every availability, creating intricate, self-triggering mechanisms that essentially changed the demo in a manner that not even the game programmers could understand. In fact, they contacted us to see how we implemented the teleportation systems, and I explained how we used area triggers to implement secondary programs, combining programs that implemented area triggers that returned the platform to its original designation. It was through self-exploration that we developed new methods that are now being used as basic functions in modern-day gaming programs. We received no royalties for this, as we gave this information away for free.
Some of you may remember Revs World, as our server was called which ran fully packed for more than 5 years, using maps that we created that were original and far different from anything being created on the Black Hawk Down gaming platform. When the programmers dropped their games and maintained the server, we ran two games, 24/7 for the next 4 years. I am glad that my son and I explored this together and learned by doing so. This was both he and my introduction to computer systems. I had no experience or training prior to downloading the free game demo.
Today, Gabriel is running the Vancouver Island Ormus online sales platform, while handling most of the day to day aspects, while I spend most of my time running his company, www.MrTank.ca!
8 years ago, when the cannabis market hit the slump here in Canada, I was struggling to make a living. I was working for several clients who had medical production permits, but this was far below my usual standard of living. I stopped making payments on my house, and started working against the banking cartels, attempting to destroy the bankers credit by creating a non-paying property on their books. My own credit was demolished in the process.
After a year and a half of doing this, the bank attempted to put my property on the market! I was contacted by a private broker who said that they had held a court hearing without my knowledge, claiming that they had served me, which had not occurred. I had 24-hour video surveillance, proving that this had not been the case, however, this took no effect, and a “drive-by” appraisal was conducted, to give them an idea of the value of my property.
My friend, the broker told me that she knew what I owed, which was less than 20% of the appraisal, so she said that she would give me a private loan, and get me out of the bank’s back pocket. She knows that my comic collection alone was more than the debt owed to the bank, as well as that signed copies of my grandfather’s painting was valued at more than 40K. My mother, brother and I all have low-number signed framed prints in our homes. Crystal knew that I had real property, and that I was sick of paying into this false currency, as I could see no legal basis that supports it. I was rebelling, and she knew it.
Working together with my son has provided the ability to pool resources and move forward. We had our ups and downs over the last few years, splitting ways more than once. The changes that were observed in my after discovering Ormus were nothing short of immense. The information that opened up for me was unbelievable, unarguable, uncomprehensible. Attempting to share this with others simply overloaded cognitive capacity. I withdrew into myself to try to better understand these changes and to open myself up further to this information by testing the values that were being shared with me.
I opened myself up to public media, exploring anything that I could find related to Ormus. I was horrified by what I found.
The disinformation, mockery and basic misunderstanding of electromagnetic principles were astonishing. Astounding. More unbelievable than the technical methodologies that I had been exploring through changes to my dream-state interactions. David Hudson’s Biblical renderings were based on false principles and indoctrination. This is science, not religion. Barry Carter opened himself up to me. I attempted to evaluate his understanding of torsion interference, of the bi-field effect, the electrostatic initiation that occurs when we split and re-couple an electromagnetic value. With all of his years of studying ormus and testing these interactions, I found very little technical value that could be extracted and tested through these conversations.
And then I met Ken Rohla.
This happened by chance, as I was listening to something pertaining to electromagnetic engineering while I was doing the dishes. These concepts could not be removed from my mind, especially after testing a few electromechanical and electromagnetic methods. I succeeded in every attempt, so I was a little put-back by how easy it was.
As I was washing dishes, the video ended, and then I heard some strange noises in my mind…A man was speaking in a similar manner as the man who stood behind me in my dreams, explaining the field reactions, the scalar functions and the physics and geometry provided by engineering. Scalar interferometry..there it is. “Who the hell is talking here?”, I asked myself. It was Ken, giving a discussion, just walking back and forth without notes, talking in the same manner as I was beginning to. I couldn’t believe it. I sat down and jotted down five or six paragraphs and sent it off to his email. His reply was cogent. And immediate.
“Kevin, what is your telephone number?”, he asked.
I understood immediately. Anyone could copy and paste data. Anyone could preview internet sites and take these terms and comments and copy them into a message. I gave him my phone number, and in moments the phone rang.
Ken and I talked for 5 and a half hours. His thoughts continued mine and mine his, the information and values that were being shown were limitless. Ken had far more advanced opportunities in his field than I did through my work growing Cannabis. I had been ostracized by the Canadian and American governments, labelled a criminal and banned from the US when I was only 17, without having any criminal record. Ken did not have this barrier and had access to some very interesting corridors. One of these was Los Alamos Laboratories.
The conversation that I had with Ken extinguished all of the nonsense that I had been reading about on the internet. I was also being provided with a new vocabulary and methods to test these functions, even the atomic field reactions pertaining to Ormus, what we now refer to as Atomically Separated Elements. Through an understanding of force principles, I was shown how water couples, and how this coupling is inverted. I was able to apply this electrogravitational field reaction to my understanding of these rare and precious materials. Rare…or so I thought at the time.
It wasn’t long before I learned otherwise.
Just like our electrical potential, these materials are everywhere, and they are conduits for extrapolating force functions from our existing motion, just as the cohesion of the water molecule provides. First, we need to correct some of the flaws in science and chenistry that have been restricting our ability to correctly learn about these materials and functions by observing key reactions pertaining to electrostatic principles.
It sounds complicated, doesn’t it? Well, it certainly isn’t, or we children would not discover electrostatic initiation while we are infants would we? We do this while still crawling on our hands and knees.
By applying the same field mechanics that we use to separate these inductive, noble metals, we can understand how to generate electricity based on our planetary motion. It is really just as simple as that. We do not need to overcomplicate these renditions, we do not even need to discuss polar field interference or induction mechanics or the electrostatic or electro gravitational inertial principles. We can learn this, teach this and apply this using the same basic functions that used to be in the playground, and in the fields beside our schools. Someone decided that these tools are dangerous, and our pacified governments have ben removing the swing sets, the teeter-totters and merry go rounds from our children’s educational curriculum, This is really shameful behaviour.
When we combine wheels and levers, we can leverage the square of force generated by nonlinear acceleration, and apply it through the inverted function provided by a lever. Archimedes was correct.
“An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless restricted by another force.” Remember that, because this is important.
An imbalanced oscillator can be accelerated and applied as a work value without restricting it. We do not use the motion of the wheel directly. We use the opposing inertial value that the lever provides, and the increase in force value attained by non-linear acceleration of an imbalanced oscillator. This is not rocket science. It is the opposing value pertaining to vacuum induced mechanics, which is how water moves and provides the force value for inducing electricity using hydroelectric dynamos. This simple mechanical device induces the same reaction that a water molecule provides, only on a much larger scale. If Archimedes knew this, he would have needed a much shorter fulcrum! Remember, any idea or design can be improved upon over time. Nothing is finite, this universe included, no matter what anyone tries to tell you.