One of the most common questions that we are asked is what are we doing to protect our materials from radiation.
First, we will need to discuss radiation.
Heat is radiation. Light is radiation. Gravitation is EMF radiation. Even matter in movement is radiation.
Transition elements, or atomically separated inductive elements cannot be effectively irradiated. The torsion induced compression, a spinor reaction, refracts the radiating field in a similar method as a Faraday cage inverting polar field compression through the reactions pertaining to electromechanics.
Nuclear physics can be discussed through electromagnetic induction mechanics.
The frequency of the field conjugation, the context of the compression value, the inclination of the refracted wave….these are all crucial and important considerations when discussing radiation. The most important aspect of these reactions is in the understanding that light is a wave reaction, not a particle. Light does not move. We do. It is our movement that induces this light wave reaction through compression, a result of splitting and inverting an existing electromagnetic value.
It is with these partial equations pertaining to unified field mechanics that academia has lost its way.
At least in public. The classified versions are far more entertaining and much more user friendly.
Alpha, beta, gamma…
The radiations can be primarily divided into three types of radiation.
Unfortunately, the vernacular that is being used to describe these radiating fields of force are the same nonsense that was used to invert Nikola Tesla’s application of Maxwell’s research in electromagnetic induction mechanics.
The term electron, photon, ion and graviton are simply referencing the same inductive compression reaction, the phase conjugation that applied to the inversion of polar hydrogen into the diatomically fused plasma state of matter. This is why particle theorists are still chasing theory after more than 110 years.
Following the electromagnetic solutions allows us to use them effectively.
Again, we see the terminology being used to distract from functions,and maintain the non-usable rhetoric that has been used to impede scientific investigation for more than a century.
“Alpha- These can also be referred to alpha particles that are emitted in the alpha decay. An alpha particle can be referred to as a Helium atom containing two neutrons and two protons. When an alpha particle is emitted from the nucleus then two units of atomic number and four units of mass number are decreased. These radiations are not able to penetrate skin, but the materials emitting these kinds of radiations can be harmful to human, in case they are inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through open wounds. Examples of some alpha emitters: radium, radon, uranium, thorium, etc.
Beta- These can be referred to as beta particles. Any nucleus that contains an unstable ratio of neutron to protons may decay and emit the electrons known as beta particles. Due to the emission, net change of one unit takes place in the atomic number. These particles are negatively charged. They are fast moving particles and that too with lots of energy. A beta particle is about 8000 times smaller than compared to an alpha particle. Due to this smaller size, they are able to penetrate clothes as well as skin. Examples of some pure beta emitters: strontium-90, carbon-14, tritium, and sulfur-35.
These are extremely high energy photons that can travel through various matters. The emission of these rays does not change the number of protons or neutrons in the nucleus. They affect the energy states of the nucleus by moving them from a higher or unstable energy state to lower or stable energy state. This is due to the fact that they have no mass of their own. These rays can pass through the entire body and thus, they can affect all the tissues of the skin. These rays are quite similar to x-rays. Examples of some gamma emitters: iodine-131, cesium-137, cobalt-60, radium-226, and technetium-99m.
Alpha and beta radiations are in the forms of particles, whereas gamma radiations are in the form of electromagnetic rays.”
The flaws in the current methodologies that are being applied to every single field of science are simply alarming.
We can no longer ignore the back emf that corresponds to any and every electromagnetic reaction.
We cannot pretend to maintain this understanding of electricity as “energy” when one is moving and one is static, or stationary.
We cannot continue to support corporate oligarchies for our electrical power when it is provided by planetary motion.
It is also time that people started to question their reality and the information that has been provided by others in an attempt to explain it, especially when we are failing to understand how to apply these reactions for our own survival.
The information that is being used to explain these field functions and the media methods being used to teach and share these erroneous explanations should be enough to convince anyone that academia has been paid to impede the common understanding of gravitation and electricity.
When people understand how water moves and how the inertial transfer of planetary motion can be put to use for our needs, for our production, for our survival, this is when humans will be free.
Until then, people are simply at the beck and call of others who have been guarding these secrets for thousands of years. None of this is new. This is why the Pyramids were built, this is why noble metals such as gold silver and copper have been used as currency for millenia. The inductive electromagnetic values are how cells heal and grow. This is why our bodies use gastrointestinal acidic chemistry to extract and bond these elements, as these are the electromagnetic fuels that run our bodies and induce the fields responsible for cellular division. This too, is radiation.
Fukushima was not a hydrogen vent failure leading up to a core breach. The radioactive signature is not consistent with a hydrogen failure. The complete destruction of the nuclear reactor could only be administered by a direct nuclear blast, which also corresponds to the tectonic compression as well as the massive mushroom cloud that was seen seconds after detonation at the reactor core. This was a result of a compact tactical nuclear device, a weapon that is referred to as a “mini-nuke”, or a “suitcase bomb” that was installed in the 2 tonne camera that was supposedly monitoring the reactor.
In this day and age of pinhole cameras and surface penetrating radar, it seems somewhat odd that a 4400 lb camera was necessary to monitor this facility, especially using an Israeli Mossad front company such as BX Magna, that is until we learn about Japan’s promise to help Iran in their own nuclear facility by proving non weapon grade materials for support of Iran’s “energy” program. Everytime I see the word “energy”, I quote it due to the lack of understanding of electricity, as energy is already available through the gravitational potential.
I also show simple methods to tap gravitation without using water as a conduit.
So, with this child based simplicity that can explain electricity and induce it using simple mechanical methods, you can see why this indoctrinated failure to understand force reactions can be seen as pedantic and time wasting vernacular.
Following functions is never a waste of time or “energy”, so removing people, equations, and the television media mindset is absolutely imperative for learning how to apply this on your own. I have free sourced these methods as we cannot maintain this corporate mindset that has been created by these patent thieves pretending to be our benefactors.
It is our responsibility to learn this for ourselves, and teach it to our children, effectively.
-Kevin Hay,
Vancouver Island Ormus