This speaks a thousand words about the effects of Ormus, and what these highly inductive compounds can do when fed to plants. The plants on the left were all fed vancouver Island Ormus, once on transplant, once 5 days later. They are now 14 days after transplant, and the treated plants have jumped considerably, compared to the non-treated plants. These plants are from the same batch of cuttings, and were transplanted at the same time. They were planted using the same medium, Pro-Mix High Perlite, and watered the same amount. The plants on the left were dry 5 days later and were re-watered with 2 tablespoons of Vancouver Island Ormus, per gallon. The other plants needed 4 more days to dry out, and after the second watering, using the same amount applied to the first plants, the non-treated plants turned yellow and locked up. The water is well water, non-filtered, low iron content. It was not PH adjusted. The only difference between these two rows of plants is the applications of Vancouver Island Ormus. Check it out for yourself. the treated plants were also more resistant to mites, and the over watered plants were less fortunate.