The term alone brings on confusion and debate. A search engine inquiry does little to quell this confusion.
My journey into Ormus was rather sudden, and void of internet confusion.
I did not hear of David Hudson until some time after my own introduction to these materials.
“Do you know what phytoplankton is?” was the question.
“Yes”, I answered.
A refrigerator door is opened, and suddenly I am looking down at myself looking at a 1 gallon glass jar filled more than half way with a thick, white, viscous looking fluid. I suddenly snapped back into place. I looked at the person and I said, “That’s not phytoplankton!”
I felt a sudden urge to be alone, lost in the words swirling through my mind.
Gold, Water, Gravity. Fundamental pieces of a long forgotten puzzle.
These words led me back to an image that I had seen many years before, an image of water flowing through a clear plastic pipe, with a round magnet surrounding the pipe. The water was floating through the pipe.

Just three words were used on a Google Image Search, and I was already on the way down the rabbit hole.
Within days, I had produced my first precipitate. I had used Mediterranean sea salt, which produced a mediocre condensate. I flushed this 7 times, and then I ingested Ormus for the first time. The day was February 29th, 2012.
I noticed a dream state change my first night. I lay awake, eyes closed, and I began to plan my day. As I attempted to sit up, I actually awoke. I was amazed, I had a fundamental grasp of my surroundings, even while I was still asleep. I began testing different salt sources, and found that none of the store-bought products could compare with our natural salt sources here in our vicinity. I was surprised to learn that load bearing ore deposits reside all around our runoff basin.
After nearly a year after introducing myself to Ormus minerals, I had some very powerful dream-state realizations. I awoke to a completely different understanding of this reality. I was shown how water provides the schematic for learning how electricity is induced, and I was shown methods for tapping the fundamental torsion fields that are derivatives of higher planes of motion, what people often refer to a “dimension” is simply a transitional plane of momentum. In Physics this is referred to as Inertial Potential.

The simple fact is that we are already moving.

The intentional barriers that masquerade as conventional physics are distractions at best, however I consider the current theoretical variations to be an intentional fraud to misdirect and deceive the public. After reviewing nearly the entirety of Nikola Tesla’s work, I found the same pathway that I observed through my dream-state interactions pertaining to water molecules decoupling. I was being shown how the Bi-Filed effect is induced, and the subsequent reverberations as perturbations of the Aether. Remember the Aether?

The Aether is more than just the electrostatic potential. It is a physical substance. It is the composition of the fabric of space itself.
Through the inversion of water, I was being shown the change in geometry that changes our perspective of matter. I was shown that our entire view of molecular geometry is the fundamental flaw that sustains poor reasoning. Simply put, water is not H2O. Water is fluid, H2O is gaseous. Water in it’s liquid state is actually H4O2.

It is this hexahedral geometry that I was shown in great detail, and this geometry not only provides electromechanical methodologies for tapping our existing higher planes of motion, it also provides an understanding of the fabric of space, and how our movement through this material induces the electrogravitational field functions that we observe as time itself.

I feel that the most important aspects of these dream state observations, is the testable methodology that was provided that allows us to test simple methods for inducing and maintaining electrogravitational compression, and applying it as electricity or propulsion. I have simplified these methods, provided a learning curve that can be followed by children into academia.

The fundamental torsion interactions pertaining to high-spin materials affects the atomic integration of atoms into molecules. This is also how the electromagnetic field functions are inverted inside of our cells, as the ATP molecular re-alignment is induced inside of the mitochondrial wall, protected by the endoplasmic reticulum.

The inversion and recoupling of adenosine mono-phosphate and a di-phosphate provide a similar electromagnetic interaction that is observed when hydrogen atoms couple.
The funny thing is, we can apply the same interaction to the AC systems that Nikola Tesla designed. The square of force function is induced by the displacement of an existing electromagnetic field. When we induce an electromagnetic field inside of an electromagnetic field, we induce what has been referred to as the “Bubble Effect”.

This is essentially how the Bi-field Effect is induced, by splitting the existing polarity in the same manner and inducing the same function that occurs when we break a physical magnet in half.

The AC reaction does the same, by inducing an electromagnetic bubble around the wire or coil being electrified. When the bubble collapses, the existing field is left fighting itself, as all sides are the same polarity. This causes the bubble to split, twist, invert upon itself. This causes an acceleration of the collapsing field as all sides invert and converge upon the middle, refracting billions of times in a nanosecond. This is how AC power systems operate. We can examine the power transformers that power our homes and examine the central coils association with the coils around it that power our homes, and we can see that there is no physical connection between the line-wire current and our homes. The central coil in the transformer provides the inductive resonant field collapse that electrifies the adjacent coils based on the HZ, or Hertz, which is the number of pulses per second.
Water provides a conduit for tapping and applying our planets electrogravitational potential. We know this, and we use it in the manner that Tesla designed and provided nearly 150 years ago. We have not modified our approach, even when Viktor Schauberger showed us that we can use it effectively by moving it horizontally, just as effectively as we apply it vertically. In fact, by closely examining the molecular structure of water, we can learn how to apply gravitation as an electromotive value, or as an electrostatic function.

The noble metal group also has a specific geometric orientation that provides a split-field effect. The atomic composition of Gold, Au is a replica of the geometry represented in the Kabbalah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabbalah.

We can see that the truth about our Universe is being hidden in mysticism.

With a simple comparative methodology, we can reverse engineer the systems that were designed by Nikola Tesla, as well as many other people who began their own investigations into the subatomic Universe. That is what electricity is, a subatomic reaction that occurs when we split the physical membrane that space is composed of. The physical aspects that we can observe in space do not reflect the reactions that occur when we induce a vacuum. Vacuum attracts, while space repels. The physical qualities do not support the synopsis that is being told to the public. The same incongruity can be applied to our planets actual configuration. We can’t ignore physical functions and replace them with imaginary renditions. Our planet rotates. Rotating bodies induce cavitation, an inertial reaction that is based upon the physical compression that is induced away from the axis. Away from the axis, not toward it! The mathematical composition that was published by Albert Einstein, and touted by others is a very simple mathematical solution that can be compromised in two manners. One is the square of force reaction pertaining to mass in motion. The other is the electrostatic field effect that is induced by the vacuum decompression of the subatomic hydrogen belt. This is hydrogen fusion mechanics-101.

Let’s simplify this equation, and render it into a testable, and very fundamental solution pertaining to our understanding of electromagnetic induction mechanics.
Based on the hexahedral reaction that occurs through vacuum induced implosive reactions, we can ascertain the physical inertial values as 6 planes of motion.
This is easily tested simply by mixing iron filings in water and spinning the water into a vortex. When the vortex is induced, the vacuum interaction can be observed through the lines of force that provide 6 planes of force into one. We see the same vortex reactions in the axis of the gas giants, however the inner cavity is being obscured in most of the images that are provides to the public by NASA.

So, to simplify the equation that was created by Henri Poincare and plagiarized by Albert Einstein, all we need to do is to apply both the electrical value, and the electromagnetic value as an electromotive function in relation to the electrostatic function. We need to include the B-EMF. That is the electrogravitational value provided by our own planets motion. This is the value that we use when we apply hydroelectric applications.
We do not use the water to induce electricity. We use the force that moves it.

Now, we are able to tap the electromotive potential provided by our planet by using artificial renditions of the geometric compositions provided by water and noble metals. Gravity is a term, a reference to gravitation however, it is an electrostatic, or stationary effect relative to its surrounding transitional plane of momentum. Think of this as a braking effect. This is a compression reaction that is responsible for the formation of matter on the atomic transitional plane of momentum. This is how hydrogen atoms form into a diatom, as H2, or hydrogen gas. The fundamental reaction can be followed through all transitional planes of momentum. This reaction shows us how binary field are formed.

Gravity is an electrostatic attraction that is the same as the reaction that occurs when you rub a balloon on your head and stick it to the wall or ceiling. The membrane of the rubber balloon is acting as a resistor, separating the increase in exterior electromagnetic capacity with the air inside of the balloon. We aren’t actually transmitting an electromagnetic field inside of the balloon…we are creating an imbalance of charge value that provides an attractive reaction. Higher and lower states of charge will attempt to balance, or negate each other. This is being impaired by the composition of the rubber, which provides the di-electric effect as an insulator.
In essence, we have created a magnet. This is exactly what our planet is doing for us.
So, with that, we have some simple options that are provided by the shining example set by nature.
The Unified Field Equation must be simple enough to be applied effectively, and coherent enough to include all aspects of the electromagnetic field interactions, both the electrostatic and the electromotive values MUST BE PROVIDED FOR as well as Both SCALAR FIELD INTERACTIONS, as POLARITY.
The famous equation that we all know as E=MC^2 simply is not relative to energy, however it IS relative to the electrostatic function that we call ELECRICITY.
Unfortunately patent thieves do not tend to understand the values that they are plagiarizing. This is unfortunate, as this has caused some undue hardship for many who profess that Einstein’s equation had no fundamental equation whatsoever. We see this view postulated by Edmund Whittaker, as well as Walter Russell and Nikola Tesla himself, who referred to Einstein as “A fuzzy haired crackpot”. I submit that this stolen equation DOES have real value, however it still needs to be corrected somewhat. “C” is of no relative fundamental value as light is an electrostatic reaction to perturbation of the Aether. This is what hydrogen fusion reactions provide as a light wave initiation, however it is neither a wave nor a particle, but a reaction between atomic particles colliding. This is how H1 inverts and fuses as a diatom. Space has substantive qualities. You can review Ken Wheeler’s discussion, as light being “perturbation of the Aether”.
Subatomic field interferometry provides the resonant field effects that are called scalar function. Non-coupled atoms spin much faster than diatomically coupled material. Specific materials will induce changes in their surrounding field, creating electromagnetic field interactions with surrounding materials. This is how our bodies biochemistry provides the functions that induce the electricity inside of our cells, the fundamental reactions pertaining to cell division, or mitosis, the single most important aspect that insures our continued survival. Our continued survival really depends on our understanding of electricity, and currently, the knowledge base pertaining to these force functions is still alarmingly low. Let’s face it, we need to simplify the mathematics, and provide a simple, testable methodology that will allow the individual to test and experience these reactions without needing a PhD, or complicated machinery. The reality is that we can do this using simple tools, just as the Wright Brothers started the aviation age in a bicycle shop.

We can use the same tools that Orville and Wilbur used to negate gravity to provide unlimited electricity directly from the electrogravitational field provided by our giant orbital dynamo. Levers and wheels, when applied correctly can replicate what the water molecule provides. I call the original design MAGIC, based on the increase of mechanical alternating gyroscopic inertial compression that it provided.

It can be tested and easily replicated and improved. I have several more advanced versions already. This is self expanding knowledge, best understood through applied dynamics. This is also why we tested our Ormus products on Plants instead of people. Plants provided an unbiased approach, and the reactions were extraordinary.

My experience with these materials provided the pathway into testing and evaluating reactions pertaining to atomic torsion tensors, and beyond. This is what high quality ormus materials provide, the resonant field functions that increase bioactive resonance and polar interference. Our brain is a resonating bi-toroidal interferometer. Toroidal interference allows us to test bioactive feedback, as well as electromagnetic back EMF recycling. The Joule Thief circuit is a prime example, and it provides a very simple pathway into testing electromagnetic field functions.

This is a great first step for electromagnetic engineers to verify the increase in electromagnetic value that occurs when we apply the bi-field effect by running two wires in opposing directions, and using the field interaction between the opposing magnetic values to increase the electrical value in an electrical circuit without applying more power to it. There are many ways to do this. You will find that two fellows in Brazil patented their version about 5 weeks before I designed and tested a similar unit myself. Barbosa and Leal’s patent can be reviewed here:

I have been waiting for other ormus providers to step off of the Hudson Highway and come back down to Earth, where the electrostatic field can be correctly applied. Gravity is surface tension, as water shows us through the surface tension that splits the light wave. This is how light-wave refraction occurs.

I have been waiting for others to begin to discuss the field effects provided by non-coupled noble metals however it is like looking into a mirror and trying to see the glass that lays behind it. I have been waiting in vain while posers and online gurus have amassed massive followings by providing little more than superficial renditions, based on Einstein’s fraudulent renditions that continue to remain as theory, even today.
Remember, anything factual can be tested and verified. That is always the first step in a scientific examination. First, we see what we can prove.
I can prove that we can tap our planets gravitational field directly and apply it for both electrical and electromotive applications.

I can prove that the non-diatomic materials that we are providing can increase cellular functions in both plants and animals.

I can prove that these materials increase cognitive performance.

There are very few people in the Ormus community that can engage with me on any decent level.
Ken Rohla is by far the best example that I can mention, as he had the necessary background that could allow him to engage in areas pertaining to atomic field interactions, all the way to astrophysical oscillation. He also has a complicated background through his work in advanced cryptography and electromagnetics.
“Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, specializing in rejuvenation and cellular regeneration using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements, detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. Formally educated in electrical engineering and computer science, Ken worked for 23 years in the medical industry, from the patient level drawing blood in hospital emergency rooms, to the national policy level, showing health care executives how to implement technology, as computer operations manager for the North Carolina Hospital Association”.
Ken called me up one day, and we talked for 5 and a half hours. I was amazed at how fluent he was in these advanced areas and how easily he understood what I was attempting to explain. There are very few people as adept and as fluent in both terminology and application.
Back to Ormus.
Plants and animals both use the same hydrochloric reaction to render specific elements into a water soluble form. Chloride bonded metals provide the electromagnetic potential that is necessary for bioelectrical functions to be induced. Chlorine provides a specific function, as it renders metals into a soluble form that allows them to be absorbed by both plants and animals. Our oceans are full of metals, broken down and rendered into a salt based form, just as sodium bonds to chlorine, rendering it into table salt. Sodium chloride is just one of the metallic salts that is provided by our rich mineral sources here on Vancouver Island. Our gold bearing hills provide a higher level of platinum group elements, as well as silver, gold Rhodium, Osmium and copper. Our spit protected bay provides a dredge like effect, concentrating these metallic salts by containing them in a relatively small area.
Vancouver Island Ormus provides a high quality, sodium free product that provides many of the materials that are no longer being provided by our agrochemical production methods. Our soil is demineralized, our foods are pesticide and chemical ridden, and many of our food sources are being intentionally genetically modified.
Our food sources are being turned into toxic products. The result is a lower cognitive response and a higher physical rate of failure. We can clearly see the effects by looking into the increasing cancer rates. Look at the rate of autism and other mental disorders. This is a result of a toxic food chain, toxic vaccinations and the chemical pesticides proliferating our food supply. We will not learn to heal ourselves effectively until we understand the biological functions pertaining to mitosis and our bioelectrical field functions.
Ormus is both the first step towards understanding ourselves and the electrogravitational functions provided by nature.
Don’t get distracted by self entitled gurus or people who are trying to form collectives. This starts with self improvement, with you increasing your own knowledge base by improving your cognitive coherence and by increasing your natural bioelectrical capacitance. This is what ormus does, this is what it provides.
I prefer the physics over the melodrama and the meta-mysticism. We can do this right, by starting over at the beginning. Electricity is something that we discover as children while still crawling on our hands and knees. Let’s take this back, and start over again, at the beginning.
Maxwell and Tesla… Leave Einstein’s plagiarized theory, Heaviside’s renditions, Lord Kelvin’s paper and Hickory Dickory at the dock.
Step out of the darkness and back into the light where the solutions for our future reside.